I told the gastro everything. Her rebuttal, "your symptoms sound like you might have SIBO." SIBO, what is SIBO? SIBO stands for small intestine bacterial overgrowth. You always have bacteria in your intestines because that is how we break down our food. However, if there happens to be more bacteria than there should be in your intestine, especially your small intestine, the excess of bacteria produces and excess of gas. Your small intestine is not made for gas. It is small in diameter, there is lots of it, and it is all folded up inside you. So, if gas is produced in your small intestine, you usually get a very bloated feeling. Your large intestine is made for gas; it is wide and not folded and you wouldn't feel too uncomfortable if there was an excess of gas... you would just fart.
Here are the symptoms I had that lead my gastro to believe I might have SIBO:
- Gas
- Bloating
- Diarrhea
Some literature says that SIBO is turning out to be more common than doctors really thought. Originally, doctors only thought that people with gastric surgeries got SIBO. Now, there is speculations that SIBO might be linked to IBS. Just speculations though.
What is the treatment? Taking very expensive antibiotics (I paid $140 for 10 days). These antibiotics are specifically for the small intestine. They are meant to kill off the excess of bacteria. If you have SIBO and the antibiotics do their job, you should feel great within a few days.
Well, that is what happened to me. By day 3 on the antibiotics I felt 70% better. After I finished the course of antibiotics I felt better than I had for a year. I still felt a little bloated, but I felt immensely better. I was no longer worried about what I was eating. I felt like I could eat just about anything. I was on top of the world. Probably the best $140 I've ever spent.
Disclosure: The gastro did warn me that the antibiotics are not a "fix it forever" drug. She said that there is a good possibility that the SIBO will eventually come back and you may need another round of antibiotics somewhere down the road.
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